Insurance Information

It-equipment insurance with Atea

Avoid unforeseen costs. Have the company's IT equipment insured so that you are covered in the event of damage.

Through the partnership between Atea, AmTrust and Söderberg & Partners, we offer insurance and extended warranty to all office equipment during the entire lifecycle.

Atea is your “single point of contact” in all insurance matters, both when it comes to sign for an insurance and in the event of an insurance claim.

AmTrust is the insurance provider (risk carrier) and Söderberg & Partners is the insurance broker.

Known budget

By having an insurance, it provides your organization with a known budget, for the unforeseen events. We see that 50% reported at least one major incident on their devices during the previous 24 months and 10% had three or four incidents.

Every time a device is broken, a new one needs to take its place, or the device needs to be repaired, which all include new resources, thus raises the environmental impact. But by having an insurance, we secure that any device that can be repaired is repaired, and broken devices are returned to the supply chain, thus utilizing the resources of the devices in the best possible way.

Atea Lifecycle Management

Purchasing, operation and disposal. Atea can help keep an eye on and optimize your investment and operating strategy for the IT throughout the product lifecycle.

About Atea

Atea is the market leader in IT infrastructure for businesses and public-sector organizations in Europe’s Nordic and Baltic regions.

Atea offers a full range of hardware and software from the world’s top technology companies. Our team of specialist consultants has technical certifications and system integration skills to design, implement and operate solutions for even the most complex IT requirements. As a result, we help customers solve problems and get maximum productivity from their IT investments.

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